2021-07-31 – Day 10 – Launch Ugly – 32 Days till Launch
Thoughts for the day Not a whole lot for the day Going to go see Monte Python and the Holy Grail on the big screen. That counts as a win Activity Thought about the site. Looked at it on my phone. Not a good look. Updated iPad with new security patch. Suffered through the heat…
2021-08-30 – Day 9 – Launch Ugly – 33 Days till Launch
Thoughts for the day Getting started before work Activity Created email malcolm at TheDevInDevOps dot com Started today’s post Projects and Lists Projects Create a projects page
2021-08-29 – Day 8 – Launch Ugly – 34 Days till Launch
Thoughts for the day Free range journaling. We’re in the middle of a second heatwave where I live and I am drenched in sweat. It’s not a pretty picture.Looks like I accomplished logging in and putting some thoughts together.Doing something minor today is better than not doing anything. Projects Create countdown to September 1st Launch…
2021-07-25 – Day 4 – Launching Ugly – 38 Days to Launch
Brain storming Books to link Great Boss Dead Boss The 4 hour Work Week Rich Dad Poor Dad Concepts Agile Engineering Containers and Orchestration Static Code Analysis Things to Learn How to indent (or box) lists Found – select list on a new “paragraph” Put in heading Indent by hitting space, outdent by hitting backspace…
2021-07-24 – Day 3 – Launching Ugly – 38 Days to Launch
Start machine, get greeted by Windows explaining that it’s restarting. Joy. Start googling Branding and Categories, when in doubt start with 5. Hang out with family, have a long 2 hour conversation with a friend.
2021-07-23 – Day 2 – Launching Ugly – 40 Days to Launch
Day Zero – Step Zero – Commit to launching blog after having it sit as a stub for a year Day One – Step One – Nuke old stub of a blog, and redeploy a brand new WordPress. Day One – Step Two – Change the theme and realize that you have a lot to…
2021-07-22 – Day 1 – Launch ugly – 41 Days to Launch
OK, so I have my url, and I have a themed version of wordpress. Now what? The theme I have is going to require days of work the get myself up to speed and get all the correct pages set up. But I want to get started now. I started with the Neve theme, and…