2021-08-03 – Day 13 – Launch Ugly – 29 Days till Launch


Last couple of days were rough, I don’t know if I was depressed, or had a low grade something-something.

Feeling much better today.

Discovered that I had already purchased a Udemy blogging course that I really wanted to take.

I’ve noticed that I’ve got about 10 unique visitors per day. Not sure if that’s scanning software, or humans.

If you are reading this, and you are human, thank you. If you want to reach out, it’s malcolm at the dev in devops dot com.


  • Start a projects page.
  • Abandon because I don’t know how to set it up the way I want to, switch to evernote.
  • Think about setting up Notion – discard because, too much other SHINY to do.

Projects and Lists

  • Collect all projects in one place
  • Check install of Scrivner on machine,
    • Check to see if your writing is still available