2021-07-23 – Day 2 – Launching Ugly – 40 Days to Launch

Day Zero – Step Zero – Commit to launching blog after having it sit as a stub for a year

Day One – Step One – Nuke old stub of a blog, and redeploy a brand new WordPress.

Day One – Step Two – Change the theme and realize that you have a lot to do, and a lot to strip out before you can really get stated.

Day One – Step Three – Change the theme again and come to the shuddering conclusion that you have bit off way more that you thought.

Day One – Step Four – Set up a under construction sign with a start and end date. (I launch on 1 September 2021, no matter what, it’s launching.)

Day One – Step Five- Write an unapologetic post about launching ugly, publish it, and put it away for the day.

Day Two – Step One – Put together some rough categories and changes yesterday’s post to “Behind the Scenes”

Day Two – Step Two – Start cataloging all the things I need to learn

  • Text Formatting
  • Section formatting
  • Get to and change images
  • Create some kind of place holder for a log
  • get on Fiver and get a logo
  • make sure I’ve got a list of the categories of posts that I like, and that represent the focus of this blog
  • Block out time to work on the blog, research and also write a quick behind the scene’s post, most every day.
  • Add an email account, and test it.
  • Pimp book “Show your work”
  • Get amazon affiliate link
  • Write my about me page
  • Blogify my resume
  • Put up a C# TDD algorithms video on youtube and link.
  • Pimp my favorite vloggers
  • Discuss self-taught vs university
  • Add a survey
  • Look up the laws that cover allowing comments (surprisingly I can break laws by allowing you to comment here – who knew?)
  • Break the above list into “project chunks”
  • Schedule time for math study (I’m currently getting my degree after 40 years of (mostly) profitable tech work)
  • Insure that family time is included in the calendar blocking.
  • Create a publishing calendar
  • Decide if you require a separate blog for “The business of self-promotion”
  • Publish this brain dump and get ready for tomorrow

Day Two – Step Three – Publish this, and go read to my child.